UC Browser

UC Browser

UC Browser is a mobile browser developed by the Chinese mobile Internet company UCWeb and is of Alibaba Group of China. UC mini download Originally launched in April 2004 like a J2ME-only application, it is on a number of platforms including Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Java ME, Symbian, Windows Phone and Microsoft Windows.


The browser uses cloud acceleration and data compression technology. UC Browser's servers behave as a proxy which compresses and renders the information of web pages before sending it to users. UC mini download This method helps to load web content faster. The browser can adapt to some network environments and support multi-file format downloading. In addition, UC Browser has HTML5 web app and cloud syncing features.

UC Browser is available on several smartphone and feature phone platforms, but Android mobile operating-system represents the largest users list for that company, with 300 million of its 500 million total.